SUS: oferta, acesso e utilização de serviços de saúde nos últimos 30 anos
ANO: 2018
RESUMO: Ao longo dos últimos 30 anos, o Sistema Único de Saúde brasileiro se caracterizou por importantes mudanças na atenção à saúde. No presente artigo, são apresentados dados relativos à evolução das estruturas ambulatorial e hospitalar, e dos recursos humanos, bem como acerca da utilização dos serviços de saúde. A expansão da rede pública ocorreu principalmente entre as unidades que dão suporte aos programas de atenção básica, ampliando o acesso às consultas médicas e a redução das internações para um conjunto de doenças, mas persiste uma carência de profissionais, especialmente no cuidado odontológico. Entretanto, a despeito do avanço na cobertura, permanecem os desafios à continuidade do SUS e à melhoria da qualidade do cuidado, particularmente no tocante ao financiamento público, oferta de serviços, e na relação com o setor privado.
REFERENCIA: VIACAVA, F. ; OLIVEIRA, R. A. D. ; CARVALHO, C. C. ; Laguardia, J. ; BELLIDO, J. . SUS: oferta, acesso e utilização de serviços de saúde nos últimos 30 anos. Ciencia & Saude Coletiva, v. 23, p. 1751-1762, 2018.
Health system performance reporting in Canada: Bridging theory and practice at pan-Canadian level
AUTOR(ES): Jeremy Veillard; Brenda Tipper; Sara Allin
RESUMO: Public reporting is increasingly used to enhance accountability and transparency and stimulate performance improvement in the public sector. In Canada performance reporting in the health sector is still in development, and involves a large number of actors. This article reports on the results of a recent intervention by the Canadian Institute for Health Information (CIHI) to develop a platform for pan-Canadian performance reporting ( It describes approaches taken to: develop a conceptual framework; engage the public in the definition of performance reporting priorities; and select indicators for public reporting. This article also discusses conceptual, methodological and operational challenges as well as a proposed evaluation strategy.
REFERENCIA: Veillard, J., Tipper, B. and Allin, S. (2015), Health system performance reporting in Canada: Bridging theory and practice at pan-Canadian level. Can Public Admin, 58: 15-38.
Health at a Glance: Latin America and the Caribbean 2023
AUTOR(ES): OECD/The World Bank
RESUMO: This second edition of Health at a Glance: Latin America and the Caribbean, prepared jointly by OECD and the World Bank, presents a set of key indicators of health status, determinants of health, healthcare resources and utilisation, healthcare expenditure and financing, quality of care, health workforce, and ageing across 33 Latin America and the Caribbean countries. Each of the indicators is presented in a user-friendly format, consisting of charts illustrating variations across countries, and over time, brief descriptive analyses highlighting the major findings conveyed by the data, and a methodological box on the definition of the indicators and any limitations in data comparability. This edition of Health at a Glance: Latin America and the Caribbean also provides thematic analyses on two key topics for building more resilient health in the LAC region: the impact of the COVID-19 pandemic on LAC healthcare systems, and climate change and health.
FONTE: OECD/The World Bank
REFERENCIA: OECD/The World Bank (2023), Health at a Glance: Latin America and the Caribbean 2023, OECD Publishing, Paris,
A performance measurement framework for the Canadian health system
AUTOR(ES): Canadian Institute for Health Information
FONTE: Canadian Institute for Health Information
REFERENCIA: Canadian Institute for Health Information. A performance measurement framework for the Canadian health system. Ottawa: CIHI, 2013.
Health Systems Performance Assessment and Improvement in the Region of the Americas
ANO: 2001
REFERENCIA: Pan American Health Organization. Health Systems Performance Assessment and Improvement in the Region of the Americas. Washington, D.C.: PAHO, 2001, ISBN 92 75 07387 2
Performance Measurement and Performance Management in OECD Health Systems
AUTOR(ES): Jeremy Hurst and Melissa Jee-Hughes
ANO: 2001
RESUMO: Health systems in OECD countries are under pressure to improve their performance. Against that background, this paper has three main aims: To compare concepts of the ‘performance’ of health care systems developed by the WHO and by the OECD, with ‘performance frameworks’ adopted in selected OECD countries. To compare the key indicators of performance derived from these proposed performance concepts. A secondary objective, here, is to try to identify new performance variables that might eventually be included in OECD Health Data. To compare and contrast the different performance management arrangements in the selected OECD countries, and to evaluate the extent to which there is evidence that new indicators and new institutions have been brought together successfully to improve performance itself.
REFERENCIA: Hurst, J. and M. Jee-Hughes (2001), "Performance Measurement and Performance Management in OECD Health Systems", OECD Labour Market and Social Policy Occasional Papers, No. 47, OECD Publishing, Paris,
Health at a Glance: Latin America and the Caribbean 2020
AUTOR(ES): OECD/The World Bank
ANO: 2020
RESUMO: Health at a Glance: Latin America and the Caribbean 2020 presents key indicators on health and health systems in 33 Latin America and the Caribbean countries. This first Health at a Glance publication to cover the Latin America and the Caribbean region was prepared jointly by OECD and the World Bank. Analysis is based on the latest comparable data across almost 100 indicators including equity, health status, determinants of health, health care resources and utilisation, health expenditure and financing, and quality of care. The editorial discusses the main challenges for the region brought by the COVID-19 pandemic, such as managing the outbreak as well as mobilising adequate resources and using them efficiently to ensure an effective response to the epidemic. An initial chapter summarises the comparative performance of countries before the crisis, followed by a special chapter about addressing wasteful health spending that is either ineffective or does not lead to improvement in health outcomes so that to direct saved resources where they are urgently needed.
REFERENCIA: OECD/The World Bank (2020), Health at a Glance: Latin America and the Caribbean 2020, OECD Publishing, Paris,
Mirror, Mirror 2017: International Comparison Reflects Flaws and Opportunities for Better U.S. Health Care
AUTOR(ES): Eric C. Schneider, M.D., Dana O. Sarnak, David Squires, Arnav Shah, and Michelle M. Doty
ANO: 2017
RESUMO: Issue: The United States health care system spends far more than other high-income countries, yet has previously documented gaps in the quality of care. Goal: This report compares health care system performance in Australia, Canada, France, Germany, the Netherlands, New Zealand, Norway, Sweden, Switzerland, the United Kingdom, and the United States. Methods: Seventy-two indicators were selected in five domains: Care Process, Access, Administrative Efficiency, Equity, and Health Care Outcomes. Data sources included Commonwealth Fund international surveys of patients and physicians and selected measures from OECD, WHO, and the European Observatory on Health Systems and Policies. We calculated performance scores for each domain, as well as an overall score for each country. Key findings: The U.S. ranked last on performance overall, and ranked last or near last on the Access, Administrative Efficiency, Equity, and Health Care Outcomes domains. The top-ranked countries overall were the U.K., Australia, and the Netherlands. Based on a broad range of indicators, the U.S. health system is an outlier, spending far more but falling short of the performance achieved by other high-income countries. The results suggest the U.S. health care system should look at other countries’ approaches if it wants to achieve an affordable high-performing health care system that serves all Americans.
Measuring health system performance: A new approach to accountability and quality improvement in New Zealand
AUTOR(ES): Author links open overlay panelToniAshton
ANO: 2015
RESUMO: In February 2014, the New Zealand Ministry of Health released a new framework for measuring the performance of the New Zealand health system. The two key aims are to strengthen accountability to taxpayers and to lift the performance of the system's component parts using a 'whole-of-system' approach to performance measurement. Development of this new framework--called the Integrated Performance and Incentive Framework (IPIF)--was stimulated by a need for a performance management framework which reflects the health system as a whole, which encourages primary and secondary providers to work towards the same end, and which incorporates the needs and priorities of local communities. Measures within the IPIF will be set at two levels: the system level, where measures are set nationally, and the local district level, where measures which contribute towards the system level indicators will be selected by local health alliances. In the first year, the framework applies only at the system level and only to primary health care services. It will continue to be developed over time and will gradually be extended to cover a wide range of health and disability services. The success of the IPIF in improving health sector performance depends crucially on the willingness of health sector personnel to engage closely with the measurement process.
REFERENCIA: Toni Ashton. Measuring health system performance: A new approach to accountability and quality improvement in New Zealand. Health Policy, Volume 119, Issue 8, 2015, Pages 999-1004, ISSN 0168-8510, (
Measuring the performance of health care services: a review of international experiences and their application to urban contexts
AUTOR(ES): Anna Garcí a-Alté s, Lauriane Zonco, Carme Borrell, Antoni Plasè ncia
ANO: 2006
RESUMO: Background: The objective of performance assessment is to provide governments and populations with appropriate information about the state of their health care system. The objective of this paper is to present the most recent developments in performance assessment and their application in urban contexts. Methods: Literature review in PubMed (1970-2004). We identified additional papers and grey literature from retrieved references. Results: Performance assessment initiatives were identified in Australia, Canada, the United Kingdom, and New Zealand. The World Health Report 2000 is one of the best known examples of a transnational approach to performance assessment. Conclusion: The best developed initiatives to date are those that define precise categories, criteria and indicators with which to analyse and assess health care systems, based on a solid conceptual framework. Performance assessment fits perfectly in urban contexts, as it is a useful tool for designing and monitoring policies, assessing the quality of the services provided, and measuring the health status of city dwellers. Barcelona and Montreal are currently collaborating together on a project to assess the performance assessment of their respective health care services.
REFERENCIA: Anna García-Altés, Lauriane Zonco, Carme Borrell, Antoni Plasència. Measuring the performance of health care services: a review of international experiences and their application to urban contexts, Gaceta Sanitaria, Volume 20, Issue 4, 2006, Pages 316-324, ISSN 0213-9111, (
Ranked Performance of Canada's Health System on the International Stage: A Scoping Review
AUTOR(ES): Najafizada SAM, Sivanandan T, Hogan K, Cohen D, Harvey J.
ANO: 2017
RESUMO: INTRODUCTION: Since the release of the World Health Report in 2000, health system performance ranking studies have garnered significant health policy attention. However, this literature has produced variable results. The objective of this study was to synthesize the research and analyze the ranked performance of Canada's health system on the international stage. METHOD: We conducted a scoping review exploring Canada's place in ranked health system performance among its peer Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development countries. Arksey and O'Malley's five-stage scoping review framework was adopted, yielding 48 academic and grey literature articles. A literature extraction tool was developed to gather information on themes that emerged from the literature. SYNTHESIS: Although various methodologies were used to rank health system performance internationally, results generally suggested that Canada has been a middle-of-the-pack performer in overall health system performance for the last 15 years. Canada's overall rankings were 7/191, 11/24, 10/11, 10/17, "Promising" and "B" grade across different studies. According to past literature, Canada performed well in areas of efficiency, productivity, attaining health system goals, years of life lived with disability and stroke mortality. By contrast, Canada performed poorly in areas related to disability-adjusted life expectancy, potential years of life lost, obesity in adults and children, diabetes, female lung cancer and infant mortality. CONCLUSION: As countries introduce health system reforms aimed at improving the health of populations, international comparisons are useful to inform cross-country learning in health and social policy. While ranking systems do have shortcomings, they can serve to shine a spotlight on Canada's health system strengths and weaknesses to better inform the health policy agenda.
REFERENCIA: Najafizada SAM, Sivanandan T, Hogan K, Cohen D, Harvey J. Ranked Performance of Canada's Health System on the International Stage: A Scoping Review. Classement du rendement du système de santé canadien sur la scène internationale : un examen de la portée. Health Policy. 2017;13(1):59–73. doi:10.12927/hcpol.2017.25191
Health system performance comparison: new directions in research and policy
AUTOR(ES): Irene Papanicolas, Dionne Kringos, Niek S. Klazinga, Peter C. Smith
ANO: 2013
REFERENCIA: Irene Papanicolas, Dionne Kringos, Niek S. Klazinga, Peter C. Smith. Health system performance comparison: New directions in research and policy, Health Policy, Volume 112, Issues 1–2, 2013, Pages 1-3, ISSN 0168-8510, (
Resolving the challenges in the international comparison of health systems: the must do's and the trade-offs
AUTOR(ES): Ian Forde,David Morgan,Niek S. Klazinga
ANO: 2013
RESUMO: Countries are increasingly publishing health system performance statistics alongside those of their peers, to identify high performers and achieve a continuously improving health system. The aim of the paper is to identify, and discuss resolution of, some key methodological challenges, which arise when comparing health system performance. To illustrate the issues, we focus on two OECD flagship initiatives: the System of Health Accounts (SHA) and the Health Care Quality Indicators (HCQI) project and refer to two main actors: a coordinating agency, which proposes and collates performance data and second, data correspondents in constituent health systems, who submit data to the coordinating centre. Discussion is structured around two themes: a set of must-do's (legitimacy of the coordinating centre, validity of proposed indicators, feasibility of data collection and technical support for data correspondents) and a set of trade-offs (depth vs. breadth in the number of system elements compared, aggregation vs. granularity of data, flexibility vs. consistency of indicator definitions and inclusion criteria). Robust fulfillment of the must-do's and transparent resolution of the trade-offs both depend upon effective collaboration between the coordinating centre and data correspondents, and a close working relationship between a technical secretariat and a body of experts.
REFERENCIA: Ian Forde, David Morgan, Niek S. Klazinga. Resolving the challenges in the international comparison of health systems: The must do's and the trade-offs, Health Policy, Volume 112, Issues 1–2, 2013, Pages 4-8, ISSN 0168-8510, (
Methodological concerns and recommendations on policy consequences of the World Health Report 2000
AUTOR(ES): Celia Almeida,Paula Braveman,Marthe R Gold,Celia L Szwarcwald,Jose Mendes Ribeiro,Americo Miglionico,John S Millar,Silvia Porto,Nilson do Rosario Costa,Vincente Ortun Rubio,Malcolm Segall,Barbara Starfield,Claudia Travassos,Alicia Uga et al.
ANO: 2001
Estudo exploratório dos modelos de avaliação de desempenho em saúde: uma apreciação da capacidade avaliativa
AUTOR(ES): Reis Ana Cristina, Santos Elizabeth Moreira dos, Arruda Marcela Rocha de, Oliveira Paulo de Tarso Ribeiro de.
ANO: 2017
RESUMO: Este artigo identifica e analisa os modelos de avaliação de desempenho de sistemas de saúde, considerando-se a sua capacidade avaliativa. Realizou-se a revisão sistemática da literatura, identificando-se seis artigos que apresentaram o modelo adotado para a avaliação de desempenho. Procedeu-se à apreciação da capacidade avaliativa segundo critérios definidos de meta-avaliação. Conclui-se que o foco dos debates em torno dos modelos enfatiza as dimensões avaliativas, o perfil e qualidade dos indicadores em detrimento da compreensão pactuada do 'avaliando' e do processo de valoração. Espera-se ter contribuído para a sistematização de critérios de meta-avaliação de modelos avaliativos.
REFERENCIA: REIS, Ana Cristina; SANTOS, Elizabeth Moreira dos; ARRUDA, Marcela Rocha de and OLIVEIRA, Paulo de Tarso Ribeiro de. Estudo exploratório dos modelos de avaliação de desempenho em saúde: uma apreciação da capacidade avaliativa. Saúde debate [online]. 2017, vol.41, n.spe, pp.330-344. ISSN 0103-1104.